Be sure to follow closely as we open up the next chapter of Paladin Shaving. Exciting things to come.

FYI, we plan to remove all current inventory from our online shop at around 8:00 AM Central on Thursday, August 8. Pam and I (this is Ken) have spent the past two months moving all of our non-shop-related belongings into storage. We're set to close on the sale of our house in Overland Park, KS on 8/9. We'll be off-line and out-of-pocket for at least a few days after that. There will probably be a couple releases later this month. Note, however, that we intend to explore/develop opportunities to place some number of brushes in a few select barber shops and other fitting outlets. So, I cant' say whether any of the brushes in the shop now (i.e., 08/07/19) will show up there again.

We haven't had time to look for a new home in Colorado yet. A friend has loaned us an apartment in Lawrence, KS for a couple months. Beyond that, we'll be making it up as we go. Thanks to all for sticking with us through these times of disruption and uncertainty. Trust that we're not going away.

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