2022 Sherlock 26 mm Butterscotch Halloween Special Edition
Paladin Shaving

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2022 Sherlock 26 mm Butterscotch Halloween Special Edition -
The Paladin™ Sherlock™ handle-design will be recognized by many as resembling Simpson’s Keyhole; however, the general shape has also been used by other venerable shaving brush companies, including Kent, Rooney, and Rubberset (from at least as early as 1910). Although clearly derivative, the Sherlock is purposefully unique. First, we carried out a few rounds of iterative prototyping to settle on dimensional balance between the top and bottom sections; then we decided to slim the waist a bit for the sake of both eye appeal and grip comfort; finally, we beveled the bottom edge to further enhance ergonomics in use. Like the Sumo™, the Sherlock combines very simple geometric shapes that yield a surprisingly well adapted handle. This brush should serve bowl and face latherers just about equally well.
Material: Butterscotch (polyester resin)
Socket diameter: 26 mm
Handle height: 53.4 mm ± 1 mm
Handle diameter: 38.55 mm ± 1 mm
Knot measurements: see accompanying front-side (top) photo.