Synthetic Lotus 26 mm Graphite
Paladin Shaving

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Synthetic Lotus 26 mm Graphite -
The Paladin™ Lotus™ handle-design was developed from scratch. It reflects no prior influence (at least not any that we recognize) with the exception of the curve below the double beads, which was adapted from our PK-47™. Fourteen successive prototypes were turned before the final version was selected. The Lotus has the distinction of having been copied (from a pre-release photo posted on The Shave Nook) before we offered any for sale. This brush should work just about equally well for either bowl or face lathering.
Material: Graphite (Acrylic resin)
Socket diameter: 26 mm
Handle height: 57 mm ±1 mm
Handle diameter: 41.3 mm ± 1 mm
Knot measurements: see accompanying front-side (top) photo.