Cleo 26 mm Bazooka Auction with Choice of Knot
Dark Holler Design Works, LLC

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Cleo 26 mm Bazooka Auction with Choice of Knot -
Like the Tut™, our Cleo™ handle-design was initially envisioned to be a simple derivative of the El Dorado™. In fact, we turned several prototypes of the Cleo (then designated the GJ for Grecian Jar), before setting the project aside and starting over on a clean page with a different approach that led to the Tut. Although beads (or rings) might appear to be purely decorative features that, if anything, would add challenge to creating a handle (which they do), they also serve the purpose of making it easier to connect reverse curves both aesthetically and with optimal ergonomics. It proved a challenge for us to accomplish that with the Tut and the Cleo., but we’re highly satisfied with how they both turned out. Note that the 26 mm Cleo is a bit larger than the Tut (by about 2 mm in height and 1 mm in outside diameter), so she tends to match better, at least to our eyes, with knots that prefer to be set at higher lofts. Note also that Cleopatra was actually a Macedonian Greek, which fits with the idea we started out with to design a Grecian Jar-themed handle.
At present, we only offer knots containing what is commonly referred to as 2-band badger hair, the characteristics of which combine resilient (springy) shafts with soft tips. High quality knots of this type are prized for their overall performance. The resilience of 2-band hair confers optimal backbone without excessive density. As a result, 2-band knots typically deliver superior lather production and flow-through without sacrificing comfort in use. We offer these knots first and foremost because they are what we prefer to use ourselves. Please take care to note additional details regarding the various knots installed in listed brushes here.
Material: (polyester resin)
Socket diameter: 26 mm
Handle height: 60 mm ± 1 mm
Handle diameter: 39.8 mm ± 1 mm
Knot measurements: see accompanying front-side (top) photo.